Assalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Welcome to the Diniyyah International Conference on Islamic Studies (D-IC) 2024. D-IC is organized by Yayasan Diniyyah Pekanbaru through the educational unit of Institut Agama Islam Diniyyah Pekanbaru in collaboration with Kopertais Region XII Riau-Kepri.
"Multidisciplinary Approaches for SDGs Advancement Hybrid International Conference" is the theme of D-IC 2024. This conference will provide an excellent platform for sharing knowledge and research findings related to Islamic studies, integrating Islamic values with science.
The primary goal of D-IC 2024 is to enhance dialectical connectivity among researchers, practitioners, and academics through discussions, exchanges, and sharing of the latest research and innovations. The topics of interest include all theoretical and practical aspects, not limited to Islamic studies alone, but also encompassing psychology, education, economics, and sciences that enrich the Islamic discourse.
Accepted papers will be considered for inclusion in the International Proceedings, SINTA-accredited journals, and National Journals, provided they meet the scope and quality requirements of D-IC.
We look forward to welcoming you to D-IC 2024.